Monday, 19 August 2013

It's As Addictive As Crack Cocaine...

Seriously... What is it about internet dating?

I’ve not been single for that long, but on a lazy Sunday night I found myself logging on to POF and joining up barely even noticing what I was doing. It was only when I received a message from a relatively revolting looking specimen I realised what I’d done.

“I will use it to start re-writing my blog” I said to myself.

It was within the first 24 hours I’d received a message asking why I’d re-joined (I mentioned this in my profile) as he had done the same, describing it as a heroin-like need.

From then on, I noticed more and more profiles...
“I’ve rejoined after...”
“Not been on for a while but thought I’d see what was going on”

And the worst... And most desperate

“I’m just giving this ONE MORE GO, PLEASE”

What is it about internet dating that is so, completely, addictive?

1) There’s always something going on... 
Remember the days you procrastinated on Facebook constantly refreshing the page just HOPING something interesting was going to happen? Well, don’t need to worry about that on internet dating, with hundreds of thousands of members and new people joining every minute, there’s always someone new to message/stalk/objectify!

2) The constant Confidence Boost... 
People viewing your profile, responding to your messages and sending you messages first, it’s like constant self assurance that someone does find you attractive... and what’s better than that.
Though, saying this, it could be argued that a large number of these people look like they’ve been dragged up from the bottom of the ocean

3) The Sheer HOPE... 
Come on, it went so badly the last time (36 times), that it HAS to go my way soon right... RIGHT?!?!?!?!

4) The Excitement Of It All... 
Whatever you’re looking for, there’s still a little twinge of excitement when you first start messaging someone that could go your way, it’s a nice feeling.

5) Intrigue... Curiosity Killed The Cat After All
If you’ve met people before, it’s likely you will meet people again and if you have been away from it all a while, you genuinely do want to see who (or “what” in some cases) is out there.

So... What will happen this time? I’m not taking it anywhere near as seriously as last time. 

Friends (Lydia in particular), I promise you, you will not hear the words “Love of my life” until I’ve met them AT LEAST ten times, no, five times, OK OK, TWICE!

I am tempted to use it as a social experiment, like the blog 40 Days of Dating. Where do the most eligible men come from? DO you have to pay to get the decent guys or are they just a needle in a haystick... 

Or a diamond in amidst a shed load of needles more to the point.
