Two entries in one day, is that allowed in the World of Blog? I know many do these things on a religious weekly or bi-weekly basis… But I have a lot to catch up on…
Bridget Jones is on the TV, so I feel I must take this as a blatant and very apparent sign.
So where do I start? From now and work backwards? Or from the beginning? No no, that would take far too long.
I guess I better start off with why I feel I, am experienced enough to give this advice and why I have so many stories in the first place.
I seem to be a drama magnet, my friends are continually shocked as to how these things happen to me. I have to admit, I’m a relatively dramatic person, you may learn this, but even so, it just follows me.
It all got a lot worse when I could find dates on tap (as it were). At the age of 21, I discovered Internet Dating... the adverts SUCKED me in and since then I’ve had a couple of long term relationships, met a couple of friends, had numerous dates and hundreds of weird messages.
A lot of people still think of the below as the typical internet dating…
For the most part, it isn’t, but there are some people that aren't so great. They will bend the truth and some are certainly are not who they say they are.
(I'm sure there are some people who will say the above picture is a self portrait of myself if they ever come across this blog.)
This blog, as well as covering the DOS and DON’TS of “normal” dating, it will also cover the DOS and DON’TS of internet dating, who to avoid and how to tell they’re genuine. I will also talk about the game playing that seems so rife nowadays, teenage dating and I guess I will throw a few personal stories in there for the entertainment of any readers I may get along the way.
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