Monday, 5 March 2012

On Ilka Moor Baht'at Baht Boyfriend and Baht a Lot Else Really (I did however, have my phone and a coat) PART 1

As previously mentioned... I attract drama. I don't know what it is about me, I seem to have one of those faces. Many dramatic things have happened to me, but this was, by far, the most dramatic and bizarre moment of my entire life. The icing on the cake, the cherry on the ice cream, the angel on the Christmas tree (If you will). 

There are various versions of this story; The proper one, the mid length one, the short one and the quick fire one. Today... I will be gracing you with the full length version of this tale. 

Above is a picture of Ilkley Moor. As I stood at the top at around 8pm on the 27th December.. Surrounded by darkness... and snow... and sheep... I wondered where it had all gone wrong.

I guess we’d have to go back a few months to the very beginning of the story.

Carringtons – Harrogate
I was back for a weekend from my first year in university visiting my army boyfriend. We’d gone out and my few short months at uni had taught me how to hit the vodka and if I wanted to, hit it hard... This particular night, I think i'd managed to down about 
9 double vodkas and orange in about an hour and a half..
The night is very hazy, but I remember clearly leaning against a pillar talking to Soldier Boy's 2 best friends (who I had known since I was around 14) and they as always were being totally inappropriate... Telling me to come back to theirs so they could do God knows what with me... I was laughing it off, using the usual stupid (jokey) lines such as "Yeah Yeah I'd love to, but no, I'm with Soldier Boy" etc etc etc... 

It was at the point I turned round and saw Soldier Boy standing pretty much right behind me on the other side of the pillar, I realised he'd heard the whole Go'damn thing! My face must have fallen because I knew he wouldn’t see the funny side of this and probably hadn’t heard anything his friend were saying, essentially making me look like a cheating whore.

The storming out of the club and arguments started… I remember very little else until we got back to his, screaming at each other in his parents’ house kitchen, getting occasionally yelled at by his dad to shut the hell up…
I was obviously getting all the blame, until a text came through, it was one of the friends...

At this point, I had to make a decision, it was me or his friends, who had obviously been a lot more serious than I thought and obviously weren’t as good friends as he thought.
I showed him the text.
I’ve never seen anything like it, “I’m going to beat the fucking shit out of him”
He grabbed his car keys and started walking out of the kitchen.
I grabbed his arm and dug my nails in, crying and begging him not to go.
Bearing in mind I am not a small girl, he dragged me along the kitchen floor.
There was nothing I could do.
I cowered in a kitchen corner and suddenly realised he was probably as drunk as I was and about to get in his car.

I went tearing out of the house and… avoiding the drive jumped over the wall… and collapsed to the ground.

That’s right, I’d sprained my ankle jumping over a ONE FOOT WALL…
I crawled up to the car and knocked on the window and weakly said “I’ve gone over on my ankle”.
He looked at me.
And drove away. Cheers.

Looking back, I don’t really know how I managed it, but I got up and WALKED into the house, collapsed on the stairs and called for his parents (Mortifying)..
They rushed downstairs, his dad clearly in the most horrendous mood and shouting at me, at this point, I had to explain everything that had happened while my ankle got bigger.. and bigger.. and bigger...

SB’s (Soldier Boy’s) dad got in his car to go and look for him while his mum took me to hospital. Whilst me and the mother had time to bond and chat and had quite a good old heart to heart, however, the father was so angry with me, it never really got back to normal.

I had my ankle strapped up and got driven home. SB was in bed when I got back, told me what had happened (essentially a pretty big brawl) and had a chat, all was fine... I thought.

The next day he came over to my house to break up with me... He never went through with it, but from then on, his best friend took a severe disliking to me and the trust never really totally rekindled....


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